If you would like to contact us, please email admin@bjjdunedin.nz in the first instance. Alternatively, you are welcome to come in and talk to our friendly team at our Location.
Professor Philip is the Principal teacher at the kura and can be found teaching curriculum in both kids and adults classes. He is a registered professor (teacher) of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Since becoming a Black belt and having attended ongoing education in BJJ and in accordance with the promotional criteria, Philip has a 3rd degree Black Belt. He was first registered at the Australian Federation of Brasilian Jiu Jitsu, and then with the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation
AFBJJ link, smoothcomp, black belt certificate, and team certificate

Established as the head professor for the Kura of BJJ Ōtepoti Dunedin dojo since 2016.

later registered with the IBJJF link, certificate, team link, and rules seminar

Referees Certification
First attended in Melbourne when a brown belt, after several sucessfull attendances of the pan pacific championships

NZJJF Black Belt Register certificate

NZJJF Black Belt Register certificate recognizing grade and acceptance onto the National Black Belt Register: https://nzjjf.org.nz/NZJJF/jujitsu/black-belt-register/